What are the course prerequisites?
You need a computer - that's all! No prior web development or programming knowledge is required at all!
This is a huge course - you might have a lot of questions. Here are our answers to the most common ones!
You need a computer - that's all! No prior web development or programming knowledge is required at all!
The "100 Days of Code" challenge is a challenge that was invented to motivate people to continue learning and coding (and therefore growing as a developer). It is not focused on web development - but we built this course with this challenge in mind. So that we give you a suggested (non-mandatory) path that you can follow to finish this course and become a web developer within 100 days.
This course is offered on Udemy and our own site (provided via Teachable).
Yes! You get a certificate of completion on both platforms!
No! You can take the course at your own pace, pause whenever you want and finish it whenever it suits your needs. The "100 Days" challenge is totally optional!
You got lifetime access if you bought the course standalone. If you bought a subscription (and you have access to this course via that subscription) you will have access as long as you have an active subscription.
This is a huge course! It's packed with content and it's best if you simply dive into the official course curriculum (e.g. on Udemy) to browse through the full course content.
We're certain you will like it - but in case you don't, you have a 30 day refund period (on both platforms) so that you can try the course risk-free!